All information contained within this website is considered correct at the time of publishing.
We will only record your email address if you send us a message or provide it as part of an online form. It will only be used for the purpose for which you have provided it, such as to provide information in response/follow up, and will not be added to an automated mailing list unless you specifically request and confirm your desire to be added to such a list.
We will not use your e-mail address for any other purpose, and will not disclose it to any third party except where it is legally required, such as in the investigation of a criminal offence, and in compliance with a search warrant or subpoena.
Should you supply any other personal information, it will only be used for the purpose for which it was provided, such as a postal response or to confirm your wish to be added to a mailing list. It will not be passed on to any third party except where it is legally required, such as in the investigation of a criminal offence, and in compliance with a search warrant or subpoena.
Should you subscribe to a mailing list or newsletter, your email address and personal details will only be used for the purpose for which they were provided, such as a postal response or to confirm your wish to be added to a mailing list. They will not be passed on to any third party except where it is legally required, such as in the investigation of a criminal offence, and in compliance with a search warrant or subpoena. Subscription to all mailing lists and newsletters will require an email confirmation of the subscription request. If a subscription is requested and not confirmed, no record will be kept of the details provided in the request. All emails from our mailing lists and all newsletters will provide you with the opportunity to cancel your subscription, to modify your personal details or to request your personal details and email address be removed from our records.